Monday, July 9, 2012

Evening Sets

The lake was calm and the light beautiful. Magic hour had come.

There is nothing quite like the time of evening when the light is absolutely magical. If you are near the lake this is the perfect time to get some beautiful shots over the water. Often at this time of the evening, the waters will slow to a stop and echo back the scene above them.

Just a few tips:

Be sure your horizon is straight when you're duplicating images by way of reflection.
You can slow your shutter speed if you want the water to appear as glass. If there is not much for movement, it'll smooth things out beautifully. If there is more movement, slowing the shutter speed will smooth the flow.
If you're wanting to shoot a landscape and its reflection, try to keep some symmetry in the part of your image that will be reflected. Obviously there will be symmetry because of the mirror image but if, for example, the clouds in this shot were extremely imbalanced, all the symmetry in the reflection wouldn't be enough to create balance and calm.

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